Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Keeping it Simple

(Dress: Kohls, Shoes: Target)

This is perhaps one of my simplest outfits. I didn't wear any jewelry, I just put everything on. It was nice. Everyone needs dresses they can just slip into. Today I wore a dress because it was my school's second cross country meet! I PRed! Great job team. :)

For some reason, today I felt theme-y. Kind of like how Kendi felt like a museum curator a few weeks ago, in this outfit I feel like a stewardess. I know, one day a secretary, the next a stewardess, where are the more masculine jobs, like weight-lifter or lion-tamer? If I find outfits that match these professions I will definitely post them. Look for overdeveloped arm muscles and large curly mustaches in future posts.  

This dress is amazing and comfortable, but it's tight under the arms which makes it hard to lift my arms past shoulder height without the dress going crazy and bunching up.... Kind of like what it's doing in this picture. Whoops, haha, didn't notice that until just now. I was in math class today, and my teacher was asking for volunteers to draw a subtraction of functions on the board. And no one volunteers. of course. So finally, I say I'll do it. Unfortunately for me, the graph goes up a litttle  high, and I'm standing on my tip-toes trying to reach my arm above my head without ripping the dress.  If that didn't make it a not-so-fun experience, the annoying little underclassmen boys who are REALLY good at math- you know them. They've probably been in one of your classes if you're average at math like me- are telling me I'm doing everything wrong in their prepubescent voices. You know how to do it, YOU volunteer. haha. geez. kids these days.

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