Thursday, September 20, 2012

Outfits Were Worn

Smoking Shoes on a beautiful day. :))

duttyyy phone. we're cute.

possibly the best things ever made. they are covered in dark chocolate. nuff said.

I promise I've been wearing clothes. And good clothes. But there has been no photographing time. :((

Bluebell. The llama.

weird dining hall theme night...

bingo modeling.

just your average night at late night bingo!

from fancy to gardening clothes in 3.2 seconds.

Rezzys!! :)) <3
There have definitely been many highs and lows the last few weeks. I have broken down a few times. And it doesn't really make sense, because I'm doing tons of things that I love, but I may have overloaded myself. Sometimes it's hard to keep that in perspective when I haven't showered or seen my friends in a few days. It kinda sucks. But I've been learning to take time to hang out with people. The difference between an A and a B doesn't matter that much. What mattered was that I hung out with people I loved and found things to be thankful for everyday.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My iPhone's Point of View

ANDDDDDD we're back!! 


The best boss ever.

craft overload.

<3 my staff.

crafting minions at 4 am. good use of time, i promise.

spontaneous napping due to 4 am crafting.

lady bug!

my lover. in poster form. in Elizabethan garb.

date night with Elk. My favorite fries are gone!! What is life?!?!

SO MUCH FUN OUR FACES ARE HURTING. jklol. those are our delirious faces.

proof that navy bottoms and blue shirts aren't always ugly. #campuniformsaretheworst

so proud of my masterpiece.

outttt tonightttt

my bee bees!!!

so koot.

STUPID good sushi.

because we are friends with the fungi as well as the animals of the forest. yay hiking!!

"What is life but a meal swipe that gets you sketchy beef and tasteless pasta?" -Elsa