Thursday, September 20, 2012

Outfits Were Worn

Smoking Shoes on a beautiful day. :))

duttyyy phone. we're cute.

possibly the best things ever made. they are covered in dark chocolate. nuff said.

I promise I've been wearing clothes. And good clothes. But there has been no photographing time. :((

Bluebell. The llama.

weird dining hall theme night...

bingo modeling.

just your average night at late night bingo!

from fancy to gardening clothes in 3.2 seconds.

Rezzys!! :)) <3
There have definitely been many highs and lows the last few weeks. I have broken down a few times. And it doesn't really make sense, because I'm doing tons of things that I love, but I may have overloaded myself. Sometimes it's hard to keep that in perspective when I haven't showered or seen my friends in a few days. It kinda sucks. But I've been learning to take time to hang out with people. The difference between an A and a B doesn't matter that much. What mattered was that I hung out with people I loved and found things to be thankful for everyday.

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