Saturday, October 9, 2010

Shadows and Shades of Brown

(Cardigan: TJ Maxx, Skirt: Target, Belt: Vintage, Cami: Aeropostale, Shoes: Rainbows, Ring: Vintage Spoon Ring via Etsy)

Today I was planning on wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt until I had to throw on jeans for a charity walk, but, lucky you, I had to change this morning unexpectedly to go to lunch with my family. We went to see a family friend at a nursing home nearby. The food was fantastic! And the guy was so funny, telling us all kinds of stories. Apparently there are collisions of motor wheelchairs in the hallways.

It got really warm! And it's going to stay that way for at least a week. I have mixed feelings about this. I'm looking forward to wearing this cardigan in different ways.

photo cred: my sister

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