Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Front and Center

(Dress: TJ Maxx, Blazer: H&M, Boots: Rack Room Shoes, Watch: Won it in a Raffle!)

Sorry there were no pictures yesterday. It was my last XC meet with the whole team! And I was wearing a cute outfit too, but the only shot I have of it was in a bathroom, and you don't want to see it. The lighting was terrible. I'll put it on this weekend and take a picture of it, just for you.

One very sad thing about XC season ending it that Cheyenne has to go right home after school and can no longer take my pictures. Today, my friend Pragna took them for me. I love the trees! They're so beautiful this time of year. :)

This little guy made me smile. He had to go on here. :)

BEWARE the Smoker's Tongue.

I won this in a raffle. BEST DAY OF MY LIFE.

Thanks again Pragna!


  1. eyy yo these pictures are really good!
    the first one's my favorite

    GOOD NEWS: i'll be staying after school next thursday! whoohoo!

    oh ps these are the watches i was tryign to tell you about:

  2. I like the first one too! Those are really cool watches. I like how it starts out by saying that everything is out of stock.
