Thursday, October 7, 2010

In the "Spot" Light

(Shirt: Banana Republic Outlet, Skirt: Kohls, Belt: Kohls, Tights: H&M, Shoes: Nina via DSW)

I got SO many double takes with these tights. People who didn't even know me remembered me. Sometimes I love to stand out. Kayla took all these pictures today, because Cheyenne was busy.

Here you get a lovely shot of the preschool in the background.

Kayla was so proud of this picture. She yelled "I pulled a Cheyenne!"

Kayla was really getting the hang of the artsy photograph.

Smiles aside, my feet hurt like crazy by the end of the day. I'm thinking Converse tomorrow.


  1. these are so good!!!
    i really like the one where it's at an angle with the beam in the foreground. you know which one i'm takling about.
    and the one of your tights and the railroad sign is really good too.
    actually all of them were good, but those were my two favorites :)

  2. oh. pee ess. the sky is really pretty.

  3. Dude! I was so excited!!!! I really did pull a Cheyenne with those two shots or your tights! Sorry I wasn't as good at anything else!!! haha
