Monday, March 7, 2011

Early in the Morning

(Shirt: Target, Skirt: H&M, Socks: Target, Boots: Rack Room Shoes, Necklace: Confirmation, Rings: Craft Fair and Boutique)

So, have you heard about senioritis? I have it. Bad. My teacher had a DSM disgnosis of it that she showed us in class, an here's another one. Let's make sure the diagnosis is correct.

A. Three or more of the following symptoms must be present for a time period of at least one month. Apathy towards school or school- related activities is required in order to be
diagnosed with Senioritis. 

1. Apathy towards school or school-related activities. (YES)
2. Increased participation in hedonistic activities. (YES. How Many The Office episodes have I watched lately? When there's work to be done?)
3. Malingering or feigning symptoms of illness in order to avoid a school setting (NOT YET. This may kick in sometime.)
4. Cognitive impairments such as: inability to focus or concentrate on school or school-related activities, selective-memory loss, decrease in ambition, and consuming thoughts of graduation or other liberation from school. (YES. Good. I thought I was just losing my mind. or developing adult onset ADHD or something.)
5. Changes in sleep patterns: an increase or decrease in the amount of sleep, or changes in when and where sleep occurs.
6. Procrastination, especially in academic pursuits. (YES. I think I invented this. I am the Queen of Procrastination.)

Alright. I have been diagnosed. Now I can start treatment. I took my pictures this morning to be all proactive and all. Let's see how long this motivation lasts.

Side Note: My Grandparents have an old Jefferson Starship record that I would consider stealing if I had a record player. "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" is my favorite so far.

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