Monday, October 24, 2011

Hello My Name is Astrid

(Shirt: Target, Jeans: Sevens For All Mankind via Plato's Closet, Shoes: White Mountain via TJ Maxx, Scarf: Mommed, Necklace: American Eagle, Hat: Kathmandu)

Just so you know, these jeans make my legs look madd long. False advertising. Sorry friends. This weekend I went camping (this is actually the second time in the past week, hence the lack of posting) and we hung out in this tiny hippie town in the mountains for dinner one night. There were all these awesome vegan restaurants and cute little shops. There was an Occupy protest, which is kind of ironic. Because the town is so small. 
The hat's name is Astrid. Because she's a donkey. And Donkey-trid really doesn't have the same ring to it.

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