Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why Group Projects Should Have Been Mentioned in the UN's Convention Against Torture

Just a warning, this picture actually has nothing to do with what I am planning on ranting about. It is just a picture of me from my hiking trip in the Blue Ridge Mountains this summer. Also, my shirt is from Model UN. But mostly, I just like the picture.
The Group Project from Hell
To Set the Scene: My Global Experience Class is participating in a model UN simulation at my university in a few weeks, so we were divided into groups of three and each group was given a country. And each group had to write a 10 page paper that was due yesterday. 
Like the good student that I invariably am, I spent quite a few hours finishing up the paper on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. At 11:30 on Sunday night, C1 starts his section of the paper. That should have been a warning sign right there. C2 has been working on her section outside of the Google Doc. I go to bed.
The next day, 30 minutes before class, I sit down at my computer to print it all out, and all the citations are mixed up, C2 did NOT know how to cite anything inside of a paper, and long story short, I end up crying on the floor of my friend's room 10 minutes after class has started because the stupid printer won't work. You know it's a good day when....
So then I got to show up to class 15 minutes late with a 9 page paper covered in tear stains. Nothing makes me cry like depending on others. 
College is a lot like high school.

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