Monday, September 26, 2011

Cinderella, Don't You Go to Sleep, It's Such a Bitter Source of Refuge

(Shirt: Target, Skirt: Self-made, Shoes: Converse via Plato's Closet, Necklace: Thrifted via Flea Market, Watch: Thrifted via flea market)

So this was my first photo shoot by myself on a college campus. Our campus is beautiful, but I was having a hard time finding a place that wasn't surrounded by people. I know that lots of bloggers take their own photos, and don't care who's looking, but I'm not quite there yet. So I took photos around 10ish, and there were a surprising number of people out and about, so I found a large, ugly cement wall. I'll get better at this, I promise. I'll slowly become less self-conscious. And these pictures were not taken with Kelsey's camera, so they are not as nice, but they're more Allison style.
This is why I love College: 
-My 8 am was cancelled
- I got to leave a class 35 minutes early because here you're allowed to LEAVE when you finish tests! excellent.
- I go to class right next to my dorm, so I can rush home and put my sweats on to sit on my bed and finish my homework. 
- I can blog at any hour of the day. Even during class. But I hate people who do that, so.. not really. but the possibility is still there!
-My parents came to visit and they bought me sushi and took me shopping. My favorite things. 
-I can control the thermostat, and make it really cold at night so I can snuggle with my blankets.
life is good.


  1. I like the 3rd to last picture best.
    Next time get a close up of your acessories?
