Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Awesome's the Name, Don't Wear it Out

(Shirt: JCREW, Dress: TJ Maxx, Shoes: Converse, Sweater: Goodwill)

I know I took pictures under these archways yesterday, and I promise I was going to try and be original, but it was raining. And I love the rain, but Kelsey's camera doesn't. So here's to the mundane and the repetitive!

The bracelet with the eye is my new favorite piece of jewelry. I thought it was Hindu, but it's actually a Jewish symbol of protection. Who knew?

I had to cut the shoulder pads out of this sweater. Don't tell the 80s.

I promise I'm normal.
Scratch that. I'm proud not to be.

1 comment:

  1. I know it's highly unlikely, but I like to pretend your hallmate Kelsey is my cousin Kelsey who just started university this year too! It makes reading your blog twice as awesome, so please don't burst my bubble!
