Sunday, June 26, 2011


(Skirt: Self-made, Shirt: Express via Carissa, Shoes: Charlotte Russe, Watch: Target, Necklace: Tiffany's via Godparents)

This is it. proof. that I have more than two friends. As an individual who continuously takes pictures of herself, I actually associate well with other human beings other than Wendell the tripod (who's new btw. Holla!). This is Pragna. Call her Prugs. She REALLY likes it. Anyway, P and I decided to go on a skirt making endeavor, and I, the seasoned veteran, gladly showed her the way. (there are other skirts other than that, but I'm having trouble with my label sphere. So when I say veteran, I mean 4 skirts. Just for the record.) This one is one of my favorites, and we're glad to have P on the scene (she made hers as well) to bring in ideas about ribbons and contrasting color pockets. We are shooting for the stars, aiming for fitted circle skirt by the end of the summer. I also need to stock up on clothes before college. This photoshoot is JUST FOR YOU, blog viewer. Also, for Meredith Tuttle from Yours, Mine and Ours, because this outfit is TOTALLY modest. score.

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