Monday, May 7, 2012

"You Should Have, Like, A Fashion Blog!"

(Shirt: Gap via Outlets, Skirt: Thrifted via Goodwill, Scarf: H&M, Shoes: Rack Room Shoes, Watch: Thrifted via Flea Market)

Good news team, the skirt with the tiny waist still fits. But feeling a little tighter after the handfuls of cheese cubes I just consumed in Qual. I'm taking this as a good sign overall, maintaining homeostasis weight-wise this year. There have definitely been some ups and down, but all my clothes always fit, albeit some not as they used to, but still. 

My hair has also gotten SO long this year. I need a trim before my summer job, but I'm trying to decide how much. Am I going full-blown Locks 'o Love style and crop it up to my shoulders? Feedback, people, I need it.

My beautiful friend Mackenzie complimented my outfit on my hike across campus this morning, ending it with telling me that I should start a fashion blog. I giggled inside. Because, guess what? I already have one! Haha, have you heard about it?

1 comment:

  1. your hair is gorgeous. nuff said. and this die for!

    James 4:8
