Friday, January 21, 2011


Next year, I'm heading off to college, something that I have always looked forward too, but yesterday my mom signed me up for spring orientation, and I got totally freaked out about it. So I decided to write down some of the things I'm afraid of, and then take a Pollyanna approach. So here goes.

I'm afraid my roommate will be a complete #$^*$^%@$* and I'll be miserable.
If my roommate is a complete #@%&*%, I'll finally have someone to really hate! Maybe I can write a burn book!

I'm afraid I won't make a large group of friends.
Large groups of friends are noisy and always want to do things you don't want to do.

I'm afraid of starting over.
That's the best part! I can dye my hair blue and be angry all the time! I can pretend to be really into Romantic poets and glare at passerby.

I am being chased by a bear.
After I am mauled by this bear (because even Pollyanna can see, Allison has no chance of escaping this situation unharmed), if it rains afterwards I can use the bear's heavy footsteps as small pools of water, and the scratches on the tress to help me stand up if I lose the mobility in my legs.

With that bit of silliness out of my system (sounded British there.. what's that about mate?) I just have to remind myself to breathe. innn and outtt and not be so worried about what's in front of me... or behind me. Gotta watch out for bears.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry Allison!
    If your roommate sucks, there's always a period of time to change.
    You'll make friends because you're Allison!
    Don't dye your hair blue, though. It's too pretty.
    And everyone knows you don't run from bears - play dead.
