Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blatantly Unpolished

So I haven't been posting in a very long time. And this has been a combination of a large number of things: namely school and extracurriculars. I'm a chronic yes man and I sign up for too many things. This is why it was especially nice to be able to go on a camping trip to the mountains this weekend and take a break from everything with a really great group of people. I'm going to try to start updating the blog more regularly (but I always say that, I know). I think that this time, I'm going to give it a more personal life twist. Pictures are well and great, but some of the emotions that I'm working through in this crazy thing called life are what I'm going to want to remember most of all. I already take way too many pictures. I want to start portraying my life as what it actually is: a crazy hot mess that isn't always well dressed. I choose to live blatantly unpolished.

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