Friday, December 3, 2010

Some Days.

(Shirt: Kohl's, Sweater: H&M, Jeans: Seven for All Mankind via Plato's Closet, Belt: Target, Sweater: Made by Mom, Sunglasses: Cynthia Rowley)

Some Days. Some days you go to pour your smoothie out of the blender and get it and all the blender parts scattered around the kitchen. And then have to pay $8 for breakfast at Starbucks on the way to school.
Some days you wait in the Krispy Kreme line for 25 minutes instead of 5, having a heart attack because your sister is missing the test she has to take before school, but she had to bring donuts to school because it's a grade for English.
Some Days you can't find a specific 30 for 30 outfit piece that you desperately need so you have to substitute another black shirt that almost-but-not-quite matches in order to get the 30 done in time.
Some Days you want to go look at a vintage store downtown and can't find any parking so you have to pay. And then you feel stupid because you told your other friend that THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS PAYING TO PARK. THIS IS NOT NEW YORK but can't find anywhere else to. So you make up a lie about a dead cat to make yourself feel better. But then you look AND feel stupid. So you have to tell her you lied and she makes fun of you.
Some days you go into a vintage store and really like a dress that costs a lot more than anything you can afford. And sometimes you cheat the 30 for 30 and buy a little something for yourself, but promise not to wear it until after the 30 for 30, so it's the same as putting it on hold and picking it up in 4/5 days. Right?
But some days, good things happen. Like winning a class Poetry Out Loud competition that you prepared for for forever and planned out every single move, coming closer to realizing the dream of doing something awesome like biking across America, not making a complete fool of myself at the Constitutional Issues practice hearing, and being told a point was good, even if I felt like an idiot when answering the follow-ups because I COULD. NOT. GET. TO. THE POINT. fast enough, and some days you get a lot of compliments on the scarf your mother made for you.
And those "some days" make the other "some days" worth it.
(see the orange stripey sweater on the rack in the mirror pic? That's what I bought. DARN YOU WILL POWER. And aren't the dress and belt beautiful? I don't need another belt, and the dress way WAY too expensive. Sad day.)


  1. You didn't tell me you won Poetry Out Loud! Now you'll have to compete against Mieka.

    You are great.

  2. Oooh, I'm excited to see the orange striped sweater! Don't worry about cheating, you've done well on the 30 so far and we're almost at the end. :) Too bad that dress is too expensive, the color is very pretty on you!

  3. What a funny post. Good to see you are still working the 30 for 30! We are so close to the end!
    The Auspicious Life

  4. some days you read a cute blog post and love it:) great job and here's to better days and more remixing!
